I had trouble with the controls on the part where I had to run in the red hallway. Just getting that boost part working. I probably wouldn't have had trouble if I were playing on controller though. I haven't progressed past where I stopped in the cave, but I imagine that part is still pretty difficult.
I like the art style and I LOVE Fooli! I think the pranks where you think there is a monster and it turns out to be something else is great!
I wonder if you brighten up the images showing off the game if that would help get more attention. The art style is great, but you can't see the character in that image with the bunny on this page. It reminds me a lot of Bendy and the Ink Machine, but that game was brighter all around.
Other thoughts would be maybe a guiding arrow or something so you always know you are heading towards the end of the level. Maybe Fooli quests in each level such as eliminate this number of monsters and you get a star next to that levels door.
If you make any updates to the game I'll be sure to play it again on my channel. It bugs me when I don't finish a game so Silent Mansion is one of the few games I still haven't deleted out of all the ones I download because I don't want to lose my progress.
Keep making progress on this awesome game. It has sooooo much potential in my opinion!