This game has a lot of atmosphere! I love the calm music and the cute graphics. It's a little weird to see tribal-looking characters in a modern farm setting though. :P
I was a bit confused at first at what I was supposed to do. I don't think for me it was intuitive to drag-and-drop the characters to move them. I was expecting to click on a unit to select them and then give them an order, like go cultivate this. Dragging them one space at a time is a bit awkward. Maybe you can make it so they are selected, then you choose a direction to move them with the arrow keys or something like that. WASD is taken for the camera, so I guess arrow keys could work. Or maybe just make it so you click the space to move to after selecting them.
Also, I was a bit confused to get a Game Over screen when I clearly created a lot of crops and traded with the other tribe. Is there something I'm missing?