Hi again,
Woah... I didn't realize how much bugs I forgot to patch!
- LOLLIPOP is only consumable during a battle.
- COMET SHARD is not the only weapon in the game. RUSTY KNIFE can be found while in VAST FOREST. You just have to look farther out!
- When AUBREY's LEG SWEEP skill crashes the game with `Failed to create bitmap`, it means that there is something wrong with the skill's animation. (It's because I forgot to remove a left over an Aseprite project file.)
I can't really give out the information of the demo. A piece of it is private and cannot be shared publicly due to privacy reasons unfortunately, and then the rest are just public. I do know that there are photos taken at the event, some of them being obscure.
That being said, I'll have to fix these as soon as possible!