I managed to become invincible? I was trying to kill an enemy (i don't remember which specifically) near the ice dungeons where a jetpack is required. I panicked and tried to attack the enemy while it was still near and damaging me, but for some reason, my health dropped to zero but i couldn't die, even if i went to other locations.
The only way for me to die was via drowning in the early areas, but even after i respawned, i was still unvincible. Quitting the game and going back didn't fix it, it's like my save is stuck with a cheat code. It didn't ruin the gameplay much since i was already near the end, but it might be something to consider checking out when you have the time. I think the attack animation cancelled the death animation as i died, but i'm unsure if that's what actually caused the glitch.
I really love the lore and new upgrades you put in the shop!