I hope you kill yourself for not making a android version you raper
Then buy a computer
maybe stop being an immature piece of shit and wait for them to make it.
Is that a problem that I'm poor huh you fucks
the fact that you are telling someone to kts all because u cant goon is crazy
How about I break your god damn teeth open
Getting upset and raging all because u can't goon is not a hill u want to die on
Then why are you here you fucking goon
r u that retarded? Ofcourse I'm here to jerk it. Everyone is here for that reason. But I ain't bitching and telling the creator to kts all because I can't stroke my python
maybe find a job to buy yourself a computer
Maybe suck a black ni@@a dick
Ye suck mine so I bank you some you cheap ass little cunt
Shut up or im going masturbate using your throat
How about I fucking rape your mom
With that small ass cock? Better luck with you own hand LOSER
Don't be a dog all bark can't bite :)