As always you have found a way to take a perfectly good game jam theme, and create an experience that is experiencing.
First I want to talk about the art. The floating letters and different speeds along with the slow floating motion of the RefrigerAItor create a very soothing atmosphere that really helps sell the vibe of the game. And the RefrigerAItor itself is quite simple but has really fluid motion that is just satisfying to watch.
Additionally, the "lip syncing" on the fridge is pretty accurate, which really helps sell the effect that I am talking to a slightly "unhinged" (Get it?) AI giving me all kinds of advice.
As for the audio, I think the music is a perfect fit for this calming experience. It really brings the player into this otherworld where they feel like a RefrigerAItor can interrogate them in peace.
Next I want to talk about the gameplay. At first I didn't know what to expect, but then it all clicked for me.
As for the story, I really appreciated all the little nods to other games you have worked on over the years. Even since I left I have kept up with the club projects and the game jams so I was able to recognize most of the references.
Overall, my comment template has never worked well with the games you make for these jams. And I want you to know that I make it a goal to fully play through every game in these jams at least 3 or more times to make sure I don't miss anything, and your games have never been an exception. I apologize if this review was a bit much, but I'm doing this to all the games from this jam as I think critiques help us grow.