Yes we have tried it and yes the firewall did show but only to my brother (of course he accepted). We tried hamachi and we copied the IPv4 address but when we entered it and pressed join or whatever nothing happened
And if you skip Hamachi and instead set up port forwarding in the router and then use your normal ip found on ?
Also found this bug:
action number 1
of Step Event2
for object WaveSpawner:
Data structure with index does not exist.
at gml_Object_WaveSpawner_Step_2
stack frame is
gml_Object_WaveSpawner_Step_2 (line -1)
which crashes the game (it has happened to me twice)
This error too (lol):
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_electricBalloon:
Data structure with index does not exist.
at gml_Object_obj_electricBalloon_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_electricBalloon_Step_0 (line -1)