This is an interesting way to use the theme, and seems like a fun idea. However, like you already mentioned its clearly not a finished game. That being said there's still some feedback I would like to give based on what is here, but please take this all with a grain of salt since you probably would have resolved many of these issues with more time.
First I want to talk about the art. I really like the design of the character and his animations. Although I do notice that the animations don't seem to loop very well, leading to the players character "snapping" when most animations restart. Additionally, I like the way the objects in the world look. Cyber plants is an abstract idea but I think you convey it well enough here. However there are some issues with the player overlapping in front in behind objects when he shouldn't.
Moving on to the environment/tilemap, I like the general vibe it has but there are some adjustments I would suggest. When making "detail" tiles, like the ones with weeds/flowers that are dotted around the map, I would suggest not filling almost the entire square with detail. This way when the more detailed tiles are placed its less clear where that tile starts/ends, and gives it less of a square shape, allowing it to blend with the tiles that have no additional details.
Additionally, the water tiles look ok, but clash quite harshly when against the grass. If you had more time, I would suggest having some blending tiles that more smoothly combine the water and grass with some kind of ridge. The same could be said for when dirt is tilled, although I feel that this one doesn't clash nearly as bad.
As for the audio, The music on startup is a bit jarring at first and had kind of a scratchy sound that was a bit hard on my ears (Although this is very subjective). That being said, I really liked the music used in gameplay. Its just techno enough to fit the cyber theme, but also slow and relaxing enough to fit the farming aspects of the game. Overall a pretty good track that could loop for awhile without getting annoying. As a side note, neither the main menu or game music loops, but I assume you knew that already.
Next I want to talk about the gameplay. This ones a little tricky to talk about with so many features missing but I do have a couple suggestions. First off, the controls felt a little unintuitive since they would be used in the direction of the mouse, but the player wouldn't turn and face that direction. This often lead to me swinging one way, but tilling land or chopping a tree the other way. I would say to either have the player rotate to face where the mouse is on click, or ignore mouse position and only use player position to determine where I act.
Additionally some of the hitboxes feel a bit unnatural when running into rocks or trees. It looks like these are each a full tile large, but the art is much smaller/larger for some sprites. Not a bit deal in a game like this, and I'm not sure how easy this would be to fix in your engine, but it's something to consider.
Overall, even though the game isn't finished its certainly something to be proud of as even getting a project to this point isn't easy. If nothing else I hope you were able to learn from this experience, and I wish you luck in any future jams you participate in. I apologize if this review was a bit much, but I'm doing this to all the games from this jam as I think critiques help us grow.