Hope its OK if I make a series of custom RPG Maker MZ tileset sheets from the tilesets I’ve bought as a part of your “Game Assets Mega Bundle” pack. The custom tileset sheets will only be for use in my game so I’m deffo planning to follow your ToS. I just wanted to follow the rule in your ToS that says to state that I’m going to do so… tho this probly isn’t where you meant for that to be mentioned… oh well… this reply also serves a double purpose anyhow… I wanted to also tell you that I’m planning on sending you a free copy of my game when I finish and release it. I think you’ll be pleased with how i’m using your tilesets in the map designs! Also, I was wondering if you have a Discord server or some place where your customers/fans can post WIP screenshots of their map designs that use your tilesets? I didn’t see that option in your list of social media icon links so I figured I’d ask…