Not only that, but might it also include anything/everything that involved no digestion after being swallowed whole and alive by any animal who is either an anthropomorphic or intelligent feral being, especially if it didn't matter whether they were a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, or anything else in between that?
Speaking of furry anthros or intelligent feral animals, will there be any humanoid anthropomorphic furry bipedal intelligent animal creatures in this project you're working on, or will they all be strictly intelligent feral animals that have the same intelligent capabilities that humans have that are as equal or be more so than what a normal human has in our reality?
However, if you don't mind me asking another question or giving an additional response to that I was just curious if all those intelligent ferals will only be female, or will they be a mix of both female and males no matter what kind of animal they might be, especially if they happen to be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores in any particular area of that category in some way or another?