Okay, I think I just found you on DA and sent you a PM. :)
I managed to read the whole guide in the meantime and I'm impressed! :D You're pretty much spot-on with most things. Thanks for taking the time to explore and write all of it! I'm sure the players over on Steam will appreciate you posting it over there, too! :)
Thanks again for the key!
Here is the Steam version - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=864815829
Yep, I skimmed over both, and noticed the Steam one lets you hide things with spoiler blocks too, so things like the identity of the 'green route' remain hidden unless you specifically mouseover - neatly done!
Basically, a VN this good deserved an equally good walkthrough, and you delivered in style - if you were to equate it to a hand of cards, it's probably like being dealt all kings ;)