Devlog 02 - Basic lighting, models and terrain!
Hey there, welcome back.
For the past few days I've been working on the basics of my Zombie Apocalypse games engine. First of all I needed a way to load 3D objects into my game. Thanks to its not too complicated structure, it wasn't so hard to implement a method to load the Wavefront file format (.obj).
After making a way to load models and their textures, I had to light them up. Also as you can notice on the dragon model, I've added an option to make them look shiny.
Finally I've made it possible to create a flat terrain with a similar method to how objects are loaded and rendered, but with the difference that a single terrain tile can have up to 4 textures and a blend map determining which texture to us . Also the size of the tile can be adjusted for my needs.
As some final touches, I added a fog that fades out smoothly the objects in the distance.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to come back next week when I bring you the player, some terrain generation with the help of a height map and maybe some basic gui.
I'm also giving early access to everyone who supports me on here, so you can try playing the game from the very early stages.