Go look up Seeds of Chaos, they're the greedy ones. And they're 'Straighters' nearly all the way through.
They have some good aspects, but were poor on updates & pushed a patchwork game to be sold on Steam & perhaps other platforms.
This here, is a monthly to 1 & a half monthly updated game with a lag of only 1 update for patreon supporters to free/public players. For the Straight & Gay stuff read the other comment... most of the time a straight game NEVER gets any gay content, so the little that's in here is alright for now.
But maybe message the creatour through his email and ask to help create some new scenes & characters. Maybe small 'STARTS' on behalf of people like you, will allow him to work on those characters/enemies laters. I know as a gay guy, I already have a difficult time in thinking on what people would genuinely want in Heterosexual fun (as in the progression of the act). I do still watch parts of straight porn for the nice looking cocks.