Hey people it’s Hydro
I know people might not care but I just wanna say why I got grounded TWICE in the same month.
ok so I …….. had been getting really pissed of by this kid in school who was just insanely racist to everyone and me especially idk if it was cuz I was Indian or cuz he was a pure bred English guy (no offnese to the English) but he used to harass me anyway he could Idfk why either
the next week at rugby practice I just went full on beast mode. I lunged at him twisting his ankle and elbowing him on his chin and made him get stitches on his head which gave him migraines that APPEARENTLY haven’t worn off like 3weeks after the incident luckily since the rugby practice place wasn’t by or near school so I didn’t gte suspended and fortunately he didn’t say a word either to anyone
so ye don’t FUUCK with my family seriously I’m serious if ur 1e 12 or a pre teen pls never ever underestimate ur parents don’t ever not listen to them and never EVER RAISE UR VOICE AGAINST THEIRS THEY KNOW WHATS BETTER FOR US AND YOU even if they bring the common I gave a shelter in shit talk it’s still true dint just shake it off cuz it’s morally wrong to dis obey ur parents this goes for every one
Sorry for lashing out but thought it was nessacary. Btw people in Britain AHVE gone wild my dad also almost got jumped by a group of old BRITTISH woman just cause he was waiting at the bustop like they hate us Indians yo. Racism needs to stop guys