How do we access "The Tower City"
The game is still in development lol.
Getting back to tower city and finding the CPU are part of the main story line which isn't finished yet.
We're gonna have to wait until there's a major update for Shine Town or something until we get to the main points.
The suspense yall!
Here's the choices you have to make in order to get to shine town though, most of em are part of the main story line
(Shine Town is the latest update on the CPU as of now)
1. When first arriving in the town, no matter what route you choose (saving- Nogas or destroying it with the slavers) talking to Frank is at least somewhat important so ask him about the CPU because I don't know if it affects whether you can ask the traders about the CPU or not
2. CRUCIAL: You literally cant leave Nogas without asking the traders about your parents or the CPU.... I'm sorry my memory is blurry lol, cant remember dialogue options since I just wrote a research paper and now my mind is clouded with facts about marine wildlife : just pick either option when one isn't available
1. There's a doc named Dr. Choppy , ask her about the CPU and she'll request a map. You only have to do the Debris Walker quest line until Maddox literally leaves and you get promoted to Sergeant because then you can ask Lang for his map, you don't need to do the "OMG THE TWO MOST POWERFUL ORGANIZATIONS IN GREYFOLD ARE ENEMIES, CHOOSE ONE TO BLOW UP OR DON'T BLOW UP EITHER AT ALL!!". It's a map location, just head there, go down a level after going either direction after entering and beat up two slavers and your character will just find out they're in Babilii in the dialogue.
1. Ask around, the final destination should be the death arena don't worry you don't have to fight to get them back you just have to not threaten the guy you asked and succeed with the plan you choose, easy right?
1. No matter if you and your slaver friends pillaged Nogas, your parents are still there after the dialogue so go there and ask about the CPU, bam Shine Town is on your map now. IDK what you do to get to the CPU in Shine Town because its not implemented yet, yay.
Thank you for contributing to the slow decline of my brain cells