God I love dystopian fiction <333 [SPOILERS]
The author's writing is wonderful, really getting you into these characters, their personalities, and their wants vs needs. The characters within the main cast are very well in-depth enough to have this kind of internal dichotomy. Each character wants something, yet truly needs something else for their personal arch to be fulfilled that they each gain by the end. My main complaint is that a lot of the story felt a little too fast for my liking, but that may be a personal taste thing. I like when these types of stories can linger in moments for a bit, letting you properly soak in the actions and consequences on the world and characters around them. The world building was excellent with how each chapter opened with how this world got to be this way and with how you get to witness how it exists in the present, but I do wish it was a tad slower. So we could feel the inherent tragedy of it. I wish we lingered on Fawn and Bison's deaths just that bit longer, to see how their small rebellion of love impacted the world around them and not simply get these small moments that feel, to me, like a drop in a bucket of the sheer possibility that the author possesses to twist that knife that much harder. I wish we lingered more on how truly impacted Lion is by his friend's death, see his grief and fear of being the prideful leader his name implies him to be due to just how much the status quo infused within him a fear of change. I wish we actually get to see just that little bit of the PC learning how to utilize language and get more fluent. I understand if this could simply be from the limitation of Twine's engine, but it's something that personally bothers me, just a tad. Especially with how other Twine games can do a slower style effectively
All that aside, this is the first work of IF to actually got me to tear up! So congrats on getting me attached to these characters in such a quick amount of time!