Really cool game! Really interesting interpretation of the theme and I would definitely count that as creative! The mechancis are interesting on paper but when I tried it, I struggle to find out what I have to do. There are enemies dying and allies dying but there are no indicator if I did something (maybe I could command the allies to attack, or maybe I could attack myself?). A minimap would also help with guiding on where I needed to go. The visual design is really nice, I find the design very clean and well thought out but minor details with the camera is that at the start, I didn't know that I had to control the camera and the player at the same time and also the camera clips through walls so it kinda bothers with the vision (maybe it would be better if the camera moves with the player?). The inidicator on where the player is going through the mouse click is really good as well! The particle effects and the enemies and animations are also well done! The audio design is there but it lacks immersivity in terms of 3D spatial audio. Maybe instead of putting it as 2D audio of when the poison gas got out, 3D audio would've been better. Also, there's no full screen option for the web version which is unfortunate. Overall, really great game and good job!