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(3 edits) (+1)

Cool, most of them are QOL or bugfix related.

- Currently, if your currency is less than 25, a panel comes up telling you that you lost, BUT, that check occurs before the game checks for currency earned by whatever you just built. I'd recommend changing the check to occur after the currency from building is earned (also, you probably want to check if water is currently flowing, that way, if there is still currency to be earned from the river expanding, it won't be a problem).

- Also, I see you added an "undo" button, but it only seems to appear when a building doesn't do anything. I think it's a good idea to leave the button there permanently as an "undo last move"to correct missclicks, but also because:

- The buying panel doesn't seem to block clicks on the map below it, that had me building where I didn't want to sometimes.

- Another thing is the dragging tool, which only works for a second or so. What I mean is, when I click and drag, I can't keep dragging around if I keep the mouse wheel pressed, that is kind of inconvenient in regular sized map or larger.

- Something simple that would also make navigation easier is to add a larger zoom out, since you can't see the whole map with the current one.

Now for a more important topic about the gameplay in general. Being a strategy/puzzler, one of the most important things in the game is for the player to be able to plan ahead with precision:

- The building menu currently lacks some information: how much space does the building occupy in blocks?; What is the building's radius (or range, for the excavator)? - These are especially important so the player can actually estimate, (or calculate, if eager enough), exactly what will be the result of his actions: like when planning for a desert, you need it to have water, so you can calcify it, so you can elevate it, so you can install the solar amplifiers, so you can finally build the desert thingy IF you placed your greenhouses correctly before all of that. All of that takes a lot of planning and having that information would help.

- The last thing is, when building, the structure will always indicate how much money it will make (or spend) in the process, but it doesn't inform you of the total proportion of the terrain covered (in %), that information would also be handy. I'd suggest displaying the number needed in blocks as well as in percent (having a decimal precision would be nice too), and when you build, the buildings could display the percentage and number of blocks it will transform in the area.

That's all I remember from playing so far, if anything else comes up I'll post it here.

Thanks for the ideas!