Yeah, I'd guessed as much. In the moment, I was irritated, but afterwards I was just amused -- I'm a language buff, and it's always interesting to run across signs that someone isn't a native speaker (though I do have to wonder about "shit hole" since most of the languages I've studied have "shit" as a base obvious swear with roughly equivalent meaning). It also explained a lot of odd phrasings in the rest of the program (another detail I'm focused on while modding, just to increase immersion).
As far as the modding, guess for now I'll stick to the existing files and see how far I can go with just that.
Latest roadblock: What is the distinction between these two formats?
## First Format: var rules = {'silence':false, 'pet':false, 'contraception':false} ## Second Format: var gear = {costume = null, underwear = null, accessory = null} var itemlist = {clothmiko = {code = "clothmiko", type = "gear", subtype = "costume"}} ## List of possible costumes: #costume: clothmaid, clothkimono, clothmiko, clothbutler... ## This line works: if person.rules["nudity"] != true: ## Nope! text += "Not naked!" ## This line doesn't: if person.gear[costume] != null: text += "In costume!" ## But the code gets REALLY SUPER WEIRD for that second format??? ## These are things I found that seem to reference it: for i in globals.itemdict.values(): if !i.type in ['gear','dummy']: i.amount += 10 var handcuffs = false for i in person.gear.values(): if i != null && globals.state.unstackables.has(i): var tempitem = globals.state.unstackables[i] if tempitem.code in ['acchandcuffs']: handcuffs = true for i in ['clothkimono','underwearlacy','accamuletemerald']: var tmpitem = globals.items.createunstackable(i) globals.state.unstackables[str(] = tmpitem globals.items.enchantrand(tmpitem)
What the heck is going on here? It seems like the first format (dictionary?) allows for a super easy reference to keyed codes ("Does he have this specific rule? Y/N"), while the second format -- which I think I tried to look up soon after dipping into this language, and could not find -- seems to either require several more steps, or require you to manually hunt through every entry to locate the thing in question.
What I want is to be able to see if a person is wearing a specific costume, underwear, or accessory, and then give description based on that. How to reference these values?