I'm currently waiting to see how the Ahab (which had a rework right before this was released) shapes out, and Radiation is something we'll be building on with the full Field Guide to Jovo project (I have some plans to backport it into KIE).
As for the Divine Right Of Kings, it's going to get reworked alongside other elements of the Charlemagne license and frame in the next patch. It's a pretty consistent comment that the rewind effect can be used to perform a manticore bomb so I'm definitely on a look out for how to balance it.
Viewing post in Field Guide To Jovo Prelude: Corprostates comments
Understandable! I look forward to how ahab turns out then, its my personal favorite of the new frames admittedly
And fair on the DROK part, personally i do like the idea of the manticore bombing, hence why my first suggestion was just making it costly, i did have some other thoughts on other paths though if you're any interested