Oh btw did you have any problem getting the game to load past 60%
I have not and it was working earlier what does the log say?
I have no clue how to check the log. Im verifying my games install now and going to try starting the map with no mods to see if that works.
Go into your game file where you have the game installed and there should be a text file named log. I am not at home right now to try it.
okay will do
2025-01-21 17:43 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/PaulC/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_HarrisonFarms/placeables/westernIowaShed/machineshed2.xml'.
That from what I can see is the only error that is coming up related to the map.
Okay you can retry the download but I am not confident that it is fixed. I am at work for another hour once I am home I can have a better look
I still got an error for the gas station on the map so have to wait for ya to do more digging later.
Available mod: (Hash: 1f55cf450721291e8197177e924d66e3) (Version: 1) FS25_HarrisonFarms
Here's mine