you do realize that currently it is you that is promoting a game you proclaimed to consider about certain things.
after a look, you make it seem as people would praise that scene. they are not. they are lamenting that the game was abandoned and discussing certain other kinks.
since i have not played that game, i would have to take your word on it. now, is that what you describe, the thing you say it is? nope. it is not. also you switch between newborn and kid. a newborn cannot understand you. they cannot even see you further away then an arm's reach.
i sure hope you do not consider real life parents of a newborn to engange in that activity you complain about. because many of them will do it with their baby in the room.
since that game has a lot of ratings and comments, i think it more likely that your definition of that thing you complain about is not the same definition that most other people use. and since you say you tried to remove other games but they were not removed, i think it is a sufficient explanation. please let us not discuss specifics here.