-Items that you can't equip vanish when you attempt to equip.
-Swapping out a utility does not remove its effect.
-Swapping an item adds modifiers (+5 damage/10% accuracy/etc) again.
-Selecting an enemy in its death animation creates an unclosable pop-up window
-Red squares do not go away on moving a ship
-Weapons on a ship rendering below a friendly ship render above that same friendly ship.
-Sufficient inventory upgrades make the cargo hold continue off the screen, making certain slots unselectable.
-Going back to the menu does not allow me to select endless again.
-Falcon on default loadout fails to clear the first wave, can't finish off the fighter.
-Kinetic/Explosive/Energy damage isn't explained. Longspear Railgun does 12 or 6 damage to hull instead of the listed 30 and kinetic damage seems to do less damage than the stat card would indicate.
Fun game!