I got a few suggestions. Some events for when the slime grows to a certain point (Stage 3,7, and 10 would be good. 3 is just a comment on how big it's getting, could be reused foe most early stages) A better energy/time mechanic. It seems a bit lackluster to me. Slime cuddles when its big enough to have human form being a toggleable option for it so it cuddles you when you sleep or have it act as your bed. (Risk of it enveloping you completely offering you the choice to stay inside or use some energy to get out. It won't understand words until you teach it.) Random chance of getting spanked when working a waitress with a big enough ass. (Jerks and pervs) A bond/ lover system for when you add more characters. More monster girl eggs. (Harpy and Lamia. Harpy needs feeding every day once hatched. Lamia will eat only once every few days, but if you don't feed her for a week, you will be her food. Harpy food 30$ Lamia food 75$) Thats all I can think of.