IM VERY SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY. i haven't used itch in a while:') check ur tumblr now!
can you send it to me too please , my tumblr is ares024
can't find it, please msg me instead! (tumblr: anonymousker)
ok ! ^_^
I'm sorry but i only found these accounts ( anonymousk-47 ) and ( simplyanonymousk ) , if you want you can text me on Instagram my user is ( fyodor.nikolai ) and I'm sorry for any inconvenience
OH IM SO SORRY!! it was my mistake i gave u the wrong user:((( sorryy but i'll text u in insta instead!!
is the one w the display 'xiao~' yours? it won't let me message you:( i'll follow u and you can msg me
yes it's me! ^-^
Hi, sorry if I'm a bit annoying but I sent you a message on Instagram but there was no response, I really want to know what zu said in the game😓
oh my god im so sorry i was really busy, sending to you right now:(