You're probably wondering "what did he mean with that last announcement in September?". To be honest, I started hinting at it too soon but I am working so I'll just say a few things to give you a better idea of what to expect.
-Next time I announce anything, I intend to have a lot to show for my time missing rather than just cryptic little hints and it'll basically be a free for all when it comes to questions since nothing will be hidden anymore (besides plot spoilers)
-I'm aiming for a summer announcement, but it'll all depend on how quick my progress is, so it could be sooner and could be later, but that is my target. (If I can't do the full announcement by august, I will at least give a progress update on where I'm at)
-The stories of both Evermore *and * Dawnchaser will see the light of day again.
-Girls are pretty