Hey Moss-shadow, if you're interested, I have a few ideas for updates and alterations:
You could make other cats do things like become mates and elders, have kits, etc.
You could make the cats go to sleep at night.
You could make other cats move around, if you like.
Perhaps you could make Crystalblaze and Sunfall agree to rejoining BrambleClan, once the player becomes leader? It would honestly be a really good change.
Even if that doesn't happen, could you still make Crystalblaze and Sunfall's kits grow up?
Also, I've experienced some difficulties in naming my kits while playing. Most of the time, my kits have different names than what I called them, or I accidentally name the wrong kit the wrong thing. If you could find a way to fix this, that would be great. :3
Similarly, I have trouble giving my kits their warrior names. Despite the fact that I typed in the new name, the kits always end up with only their prefixes.
Could you also let the player choose who their kits' mentors will be? It would be a fun modification.
That's all. I know it's a lot, and I'm not even sure if you can do this, or if you have a good reason not to do these things. Please send a reply and tell me what you think of my suggestions! =3