Hi Evan, thank you for the game. I really want to play it on my Rg280v on Regba emulator but sound is glitching very bad and emulator reboots itself when there is a rocket hit. It happens on some other occassions too actually. What do you think causes this?
Hi! Unfortunately I don't have any emulation handhelds to test the game on. The cause of the crashes is inaccuracies in the emulator, where it doesn't emulate the gba correctly. This must be the cause, because the game runs well on a real gba. If I knew which way Regba was inaccurate, I could create workarounds and patches to try to get the game running on it, but I'm not sure. It seems that Regba is based on gpSP, an older emulator, I suppose I could try to test the game on gpSP and see if I can track down the issue.
But the sound will always be glitchy even if I fix the other issues. Regba is a recompiling emulator that tries to translate the gba program into an executable that runs natively on the target device. While this is great for performance, it can greatly affect the timing in ways that alter how music sounds.
Hi Evan, thank you so much for the detailed response. It is very kind of you. I have now updated my system with something called Adam image and now the game works perfectly. Without any sound glitch or resetting issue. For your note, I have also tried it with an emulator on my Android phone called GBA emulator which also run it very well.