I love the simplicity and nostalgia of it! However, the earning of money from remote work is very, very little compared to how quickly the stomach fullness bar depletes. How is one supposed to earn enough without starving?
There is definitely an overly-narrow sweet spot in regards to income. It was one of the things I was adjusting before my hard drive bit the dust and I abandoned updating the project.
General consensus from the other people who played it through to the end seems to be : earn a lot early on, then batch work periods just after level transitions when the funds start looking meager.
Oh, and it may not have come through, but the amount you earn doing work is proportional to your current energy levels. So if you're a couch potato in the moment when you phone in some work, you make essentially nothing, but if you are active enough to have a higher energy level (which reduces food-to-fat efficiency and slows down weight gain) you'll pull in a lot more money. Trying to play without ever raising your energy above the bottommost baseline is essentially impossible.