I ended up playing this last night for a pretty extensive time when checking out the Procjam games from this year, and I absolutely love it. There are so many really interesting things about this game, and yet I found myself also a little let down and frustrated because I wasn't able to figure out if there WAS anything more to figure out in the game than what I found.
I really love the visuals, the atmosphere, the text-to-speech, and the weirdness. I brought out pen and paper trying to see if I could work out the word-cipher from the plaques on the walls, since all nearby NPCs read the words in the same way, despite saying completely different things normally. But I was left feeling frustrated because of the Pink Jellyfish. Not only is it incredibly hard on the eyes, making the screen essentially flash rapidly for a long time when you get caught, it's nigh-on impossible to get away from unless you manage to rush up a building and jump across the rooftops. Even if you get away from it, it'll amount to nothing because it also kills all the NPCs, so you can no longer get any information from the plaques. All of this would still be fine if the symbol cipher didn't apparently shuffle every life/run.
Maybe I'm reaching for substance where there is none, but since the characters read the words the same way, I had the idea to learn what each symbol meant, then use that knowledge either in the Guru Tower after you die, or in the Sun place. The basement there had all those symbols spread out with a talking toilet in the center. At first I thought the toilet just repeated the same line over and over, which could've meant that something would happen if you could touch/click the correct translated symbols in order, but after listening more to the toilet and the characters they seemed to just be saying random lines.
It would've been incredible if it all lead to something in the end, and if the Pink Jellyfish wasn't as frustrating both mechanically and visually. All in all I still love the game, but I wonder if I'm missing out on something. I ended up streaming my playthrough of it on Twitch. It's also on my Youtube in case you care to see what my experience was like, I'm sure you can find it.