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(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

Writing in the beginning starts off pretty horribly day 3 and 4 probably being the worst just feels like a lot of information crammed into a small space i also feel like the (Spoilers) remnant is a little forced into the story and is just kind of ignored for large parts at leisure with depression of the protagnist being a topic that was thrown out and ignored the very next dialouge it trys really hard to creep you out with cheap tropes like the remnants appearence and the eyes on it when it probably could have been much creepier if it stayed more in the background early on rather than talking in sPOokY SpeAk another thing that bothers me is how secluded echo was from the story and how easily the protagnist just accepted wishes and their existance when it could have benefitted having a day where echo just slowly got the protagnist accustomed to the world of wishes and their influences and everyone is just gay instantly from the get go which could work but they never even ask about it its just kind of given that everyone in the group is just gay which seemed pretty jarring to me and everyone acted as if they've met eachother years before and were really freindly from the start which felt out of place but some things that were done right were the scenes with the wish bradley especially the first encounter she was pretty well developed and had good direction this story seems like it could be great but its pretty crammed into a small space and needs to be drawn out more on certain things it just seems as if its a professional story put onto a childs baseline of a story the black cat part examplifying that. Oh and i liked it i guess like 7/10

Personally non of this bothered me, as I love the hell out of this VN. But I respect your opinion and definitely agree on some parts. Not sure why you got down-voted, you made good points. You can have my up-vote.

just here to share an opinion don't care too much about upvotes and downvotes i overall liked it