This was way better than my already high expectations from the title and popularity, had a lot of fun getting jumped by bishops from slightly of screen /gen.
I would love to see this developed further, maybe giving some of the opposing pieces some of your buffs as you get stronger, like giving bishops orthogonal movement or knights having diagonal too.
The extra move power is very fun, but also tends to completely undermine the opposing pieces trying to protect each other. Not sure how i would balance that if it was my game though, since making it only work every other turn or something feels unintuitive and would be weird to show to the player?
Regardless, incredible work here, kudos to you
I thought about upgrading the enemies when you did, but I was already ripping off Shotgun king enough (hehe) and making more cards / features was out of scope for the 2 weeks. Also, behind the scenes the game is basically held at gunpoint to offer you Bloodlust early because it's so important. Thanks for the feedback 😄