Had super high hopes the first time I played a demo and I think you're going in an incredible direction. Just played through it again, here are my pointless thoughts:
On mobile, maybe make the character portrait a bit smaller. I noticed when I was fighting the bear that his health overlapped my dodge button and on my phone I could still see that info if it were smaller.
Could we eventually see what our stat values are/will become when we upgrade? When I level up I decide which stat to change but I would love to know what the stat is before/after I decide so I can make a more informed decision.
Also I noticed during the bear fight and later with the bunnies that sex initiation before defeat (before 0hp) will often cover the buttons so you aren't able to escape.
I'm not worried about bugs, it's in development, but there were a few minor ones. Sometimes the girls bug out and won't attack you after you've fallen down, even if you get up and fight them. I let my horny bar fill up in the pink aphrodisiac stuff and it bugged and no one would attack me and I couldn't masturbate.
Anyway if you just keep going this game is going to be incredible. It is already cute and sexy and actually a fun platformer, so I still have insanely high hopes for this. Thank you, keep it up!