I played the game for my channel, and have to say that I really enjoyed it!
The start was a little confusing for me, but that might be because I skip through most intros, so perhaps I missed some important information.. Whoops!
Once I got to the actual gameplay, I really loved it. It plays true homage to the old classic RPGs and is definitely worth it for fans of that genre!
Really fun combat, interaction with characters and the general look of the game. It seems to bid a nice variety of quests, and noticed the game is also randomized a bit with every new game?
Unfortunately, I did not get that far in my playthrough, as I got stuck at the gate puzzle, also unsure if that was the correct way of going. Perhaps I simply didn't see it, but I could not find a map, which would have helped me navigate. Again, this might be my own fault as I should pay attention better!
That all being said, I'll definitely have to try the game again in my spare time.. but for now, I decided to share my first attempt with a video. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it!