Hey friend, welcome to the site! We're all happy you've joined us. Yeah getting people to play your game is a super cool feeling. I used to host my games on mediafire (imagine google drive before google drive), and I didn't collect stats about if people ever actually downloaded it or not, having a dashboard here that tracks browser plays, downloads, views, it's super cool.
If you are new to development, you'll find that this is a very welcoming community that is happy to try to help you when they can. If you've been developing for a while, still don't underestimate the community, sometimes a new perspective on a problem can show you a new idea on how to troubleshoot it.
Just remember if you are new to development, keep your project scope small. What that means is, don't try to make the next open world hit, you'll never finish making it. Learn the basics of whatever engine catches your eye, and make micro-games, join game jams, make fully complete projects as small as possible so that you can actually finish them. Nothing against making that dream game you have in your mind, just understand if you are a one man team, things take a long time.
Welcome to itch!