This game is excellent. I made it to 845m right after getting concussed by a stalactite, falling 30 blocks headfirst into barbed wire, getting mauled by an enemy, passing out for 30 seconds, and falling into a cave I couldn't climb out of. Wow!!!! It's just amazing.
I think the mental health aspect is good, but mechanically weird: might be better if using items took time instead of just having a chance to refuse, so that being depressed doesn't mean you just drag the thing three times faster :^)
while the controls are awkward at times, I do appreciate them a lot. Other than a few oversights (opening worn bags usually just throws them off of you since you need to right click them and they're outside of the inventory circle) it really adds a lot to the immersion; feels more like I actually am the little critter, rather than them just being a video game character