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An enjoyable little platformer, though it would've been nice to see the eyes on the donut hole a little clearer, and for the backgrounds to extend past the skybox as I had the default unity skybox at the top of my screen for around half the time. The realism of the donuts in the background and hoop donuts that you jump through is awesome, and for the most part, the platforming is very well design. The jump is a little floaty for some of the more precise areas, but it's nothing that can't be gotten used to. The colliders for obstacles (namely the forks) often feel slightly off leading to unfair deaths, but this is infrequent enough that it isn't a major gripe. I'd recommend playing this!

Thank you so much for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Just saying, my game is also themed around Donuts if you wanna give it a go!


oh I plan on it! As soon as I get off work! (: 


Wonderful, thanks so much!