This game is just so good, the art and animation is on point, the wealth of content is staggering for a game made in only a month, and the whole package screams professional polish. I'm also EXTREMELY bad at this game, and I think the main issue I'm having is with the controls.
Jump, dash, attack, special attack, and switch weapons is a bit too much for me to juggle on a keyboard, I found myself constantly trying to remind myself what buttons I needed to press while trying to fight the bosses, which can feel pretty frustrating. This would have been instantly remedied if I could have used my controller but for some reason dash wasn't mapped to any buttons? (Or at least none of the buttons on my controller let me dash). Dashing is super important for dodging enemies so playing on controller was not really a good alternative for me.
If controls had been implemented just a bit more gracefully I think this game would be a 10/10, but for now it's just a bit below that for me.