Ow man, thank you for the review, i'm really happy about you and people in general liked the game, but i'm sorry that I transmited you that sensations. And you have a very good point. I have made them that fragile with the idea of the player taking them out easily, the first 3/4 bosses are just an introducction so I wanted them to be easy to slay, but thats true they could feel t0o weak to be bosses.
About they beeing pasive, you are right, I haven't seen it before because I know every behavior that they have, but after seaching for that feeling I can understad it. And it's strange because every boss is going for the player except for herobrine, he is trying to get a good spot to shoot at you. And I see wendigos feels pasive, because they are too slow and they stop sometimes to rest (this boss needs a big improvement). Herobrine feels like he is running away from you, and that is exactly what he is doing, but I didn't wanted to make the player feel just that, I wanted to make them feel like he is seaching for a place to attack.
Thank you for the coment