Hey do you happen to have patreon? If so I'd love to sub to help the process of making things easier for pay if there is any towards making the game. Just like anyone else I to also love this game and would love to see the final... The only thing that upset me was the withdraw from Erika who he came best friends with Sam then basically threw her under the bus. I'd love to see like another ended where Sam and Erika reunited. But I will see it through with you decision for how the game ends. Keep up the amazing work.
Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
About patreon. Unfortunately I can not use it yet, but there is boosty, which performs the same functions, there you can support me.
About the ending of the game, I think everyone will be satisfied, but in the future there will be a lot of them.
Plans for the future you can also see on boosty, in the attached post, which is available to all.