Oh looks very nice! So will you keep on working this game? I definetly will try another build of the Game when it's ready :)
We would like to work on it for a few hours a day/week while releasing small touch-ups, and after about a month of sustained progress release a big patch. Then take a bigger break, work on main projects, rest for next jam.
I am glad to hear you are interested in the game, thank you!
Will you keep working on yours?
Also, would you like to choose the next flower and robot to add and maybe even their effects? :)
- You can choose pretty much any plant - walking plants are on the table as well.
- For robot, something with a lot of legs/segments works best, since our animations and movement are procedural.
Sounds nice :)
Yeah I will. I had many more ideas I wanted to add, but only was able to implement the basic functions/systems. So I am going to fix up some bugs over the Weekend and maybe some new Content (More Rooms, intractable, Enemies).
It's gonna be a different name and game tho, because the finished game is basicly just stuff scrapped together. Not sure how I should communicate that to people. Maybe I am going to make a new Page and write on the current Page a new link that says: "hey if you liked the GameJam Version of the Game, here is a new one. With bugfixes, new contend and much more to actually do."
I always liked orchids :)
as an enemy... I think a centipede would be an fun idea.
I like the way you think! Spiders were originally tests for centipede segments, so it is definitely on the way :)
Glad to hear you will keep working on it!
We might also move to a new version after that month - release this as a demo and work on our main projects taking some useful scripts and what we learned from this one.
This has truly been trial by fire - it was intense, but learned SO much...