time to introduce my main OL2 OC

this is Clover "trefoil" Gill. he uses he/him pronounce and here's a few facts about him!
-he has a nut allergy and lactose intolerance ( he cant even enjoy the best ice cream flavor; pistachio ice cream)
-he has a massive crush on Qiu
-he's realy sad that he's fatherless
-he loves to draw and do math
- he used to live in Nevada before moving to oregon, and sometimes he goes back there for summer vacation with his mom
-his favorite color is black
in step 2 Clover is non ninary and uses they/him pronounce
they dyed the back side of their hair cranberry so strangers won't think their adopted
they got their right ear pierced
they were diagnosed with insomnia in 2013 (a year before step 2)
they went through the rebelious "i hate my parent" phase during step 2