I have a problem with Bernard sickness quest! The option to give him the medicine doesn't appear!! Why? (TT) I made the Heat Occisia, but there's only exit option when I go to Bernard... Please anyone,help
If I recall correctly, Heat Occisia is just one of the ingredients to make the actual medicine for Bernie, which is the Spectral Syrup. I can't remember the full recipe at moment but I know you need Heat Occisia, some berries or pulps, maybe blue or red. But yeah, the medicine is called Spectral Syrup.
Definitely complete the lizards quest (The Curse of Lust) but you don't need to finish it (to completion) first to complete Bernard's sickness.
So long as you know, and have made Heat Occisia. You should find the Spectral Sirup in the potion making tab (the mortar and pestle) under learned. I'll put the recipe down as well.
1st: Pulp (Blue)
2nd: Heat Occisia
3rd: Pulp (Red)
4th: Heat Occisia
5th: Pulp (Blue)