Tysm for the detailed feedback - I think most of it should be fixed by the next update! At one point in development the notifications did take you straight to the OnlyFyans app but completely forgot to re-add that... but yeah the load times are a bit rough. With the OnlyFyans app it's because there's no post limit, so it just shows every single post since the start of the game which is a lot of images to load. Have since limited it and added a 'load more posts' button at the bottom if you ever need to go look at older ones.
I'll have to look into how a 'go back to last choice' button would work but I agree it would be nice. At the moment choices aren't too impactful but I'm trying to work out how - even though the story is very linear - choices could have actual small story impacts without being full routes. I'm thinking stuff like if you're oblivious too many times, then the story goes down a bit more of a 'don't know what's happening' path and otherwise the MC notices and comments on things? Would be the same 'route' but slightly different dialog at points and potentially different CGs. I don't want to do too much to the point where it impacts the quality of the story or shortens its length, but I don't want to do so little that there's absolutely no choices at all in the story, y'know?
Though at minimum I'll definitely add more save slots and add an option to rename the save slots beyond just 'slot 1' 'slot 2' etc so you know which is which (and potentially show the last-seen CG as a thumbnail as well?)