Okay this is a jam entry where I have a lot to say, so I'm going to divide my thoughts into a bullet list of good stuff and things that need improvement. I also totally understand that most of complaints are going to be from stuff that was from time constraints, and I'm only giving my input so you can fix these issues and either improve this game or make more awesome games in the future.
Cool stuff:
- Changing perspective with tab is pretty cool, don't see too many 3rd person games do that
- Kicking mechanic is entertaining, it's nice how enemies ragdoll and get back up after being kicked
- 3D models look pretty nice and they're fully rigged with animations too, I imagine that ate up a lot of time.
- I like how the Vampire Queen throws away her guns after firing and that this does damage that's another cool mechanic
- It's cool how you get more powerful as you defeat enemies that improve your abilities.
- Project for the most part looks cohesive with the style, I think lighting & UI are the only things out of style and that the textures seem to be relatively high res.
- The map design is nice I especially like the cathedral at the end of the map.
Things that need improvement:
- Biggest issue is the the death screen isn't working, I can still control the player and I think it might be showing the win screen with final time instead?
- Enemies are static but they sometimes move, it seems only the ones holding guns move around sometimes?
- The enemies with brooms rarely attacked me, they definitely need to chase after the player.
- Shooting enemies are way too accurate and can annihilate you from across the field, forcing you to mow down enemies to refill health. I would make them chase and then fire when they are a certain distance away, otherwise they seem kind of unfair.
- The jump gets way too powerful, eventually it could let me clip over the map.
- Lastly a very minor issue but the 3rd person camera could clip through walls.