Gorgeous looking game with superb sound design and...poor execution, sadly.
The game truly had me in first half. I was fully immersed in this stylized environment, story rich gameplay with notes, items to interact with and pretty decent sized forest, yet the game completely fell off the wagon once I encountered the monster and I was stuck in the loop of despair.
Now, before going over the issues, I did notice that other players have struggled with the recording mechanic and I usually do read the information provided on the game's page about mechanics and features. But, that doesn't give the developer a free pass on not explaining the game fundamentally to the player and just giving the most minimal instructions of - task, do this, press this, open this, record this. You have to understand that it is very crucial to any game to be user friendly. Without it, some players might either be confused or irritated (me for example). Not to mention the goat killer - impossible to escape it.
In conclusion, like I mentioned, spectacular atmosphere, decent sound design, not a great experience. Best of luck with the future projects and I do hope this gets updated.
I'm really looking forward to your next game. And, just to clarify, I didn't dislike the loop part, if you read my comment and watch the video I specifically say that the game has no direction for the player - what tasks to do, how to avoid the monster, etc. Those are very important so that the player can enjoy the experience and not looking at the game's page for clues. Good luck!