Played the tutorial, and I have to say. The idea is good, I enjoy the concept. However, the combat feels grindy and barebones, the turns take awhile, and more complexity introduced as the game goes on would be cool.
I know it's a demo and in the early stages though, so I know these things will be worked on.
Personal recommendations would be a turn unit style, where instead of one side goes, than the next, it'd be interesting to see turns play out in order of speed. That is, when you press the Execute Commands button, it goes in order of the fastest units (whether robot or alien) and so forth. Would open up ways to increase unit speed over surviability, more value to fast bodies, etc.
Another thing would be cover systems and miss chance. Cover systems aren't a necessity, but would be interesting to include as a feature as you learn the game's mechanics. Miss chance would make it less punishing for melee units on both sides.
Also, tying in with the turn unit thing, aliens shouldn't get a free turn when they leave their ships. That is, they shouldn't get to move and attack without threat, as they only appear after your robots end their turn.
Overall though, game's neat and I like it. Don't gotta take any of my recommendations, but I do hope considerations are made to improve combat. (also my partner thinks variation in the game music would be nice)