Probably my second personal favorite. The harmony in the piano around 0:30 and 1:40 is dark, elegant and beautiful, sometimes feeling threatening or hopeful.
One criticism I can give is that, the 'crystal' part of the theme is hardly there. The selection of that single instrument to represent the crystal, being all that really seems to represent half of the theme. If you just replaced more instruments with marimbas, xylophone, rhodes pianos, had more high-pitch synths, I could've given this 5 stars under the 'coherence to theme' category.
As a castle theme though? HOT DAMN, I feel like I am infiltrating the bad guy's castle right now and It's epic af. Even if I don't think of crystals listening to it, It's still a menacing track. The percussion really gives this song a steady energy and movement that none of the others seem to have.