This song immediately gives a crystal vibe, at the start and at every moment in the song.
The crystal sound, seems out of tune around 1:07 and 1:58 are out-of-tune. I understand if you are just leaning in to that interentionally for the more atmospheric parts of the track. But they should not overlap with the more in-tune segments (2:05).
As a castle, well there are horns, strings and choir in half of the song. The melody at (2:05) fits very well as a royal theme, and is also kinda epic. I wish that type of sound happened more in the song.
As crystal song, yeah, it fits really well. As a castle song, well it seems to vary depending on the segment. Sometimes it's almost there, a great fit, to sounding more like an enchanted cave.
Maybe if you combined this crystal at 1:06 with high or low strings, you could have leaned into a castle theme more often during the song.
A real neat song. 👍