This project has just completely changed the playing field. The artwork is strikingly good, of course, but the story is getting even more intense and enjoyable. You take this entire process seriously and it shows in every pixel, every audio clip and every update. I'm impressed, envious and a very dedicated fan. I had a traumatic brain injury a year ago and I've struggled, since, because of restricted work. AVNs have really been a boon for me. They help me focus my eyes and brain and have given me something that I can use to maintain "elasticity" in my brain to map new pathways. I'll admit, it's silly but VNs seem to be the perfect blend of visual and processing stimulus to exercise my brain. I promise you, once I'm able, I'll be subscribing as well. It sounds lame, but it means a lot, to me.
Directly to Caribdis: I'm impressed and proud to see the amount of work, dedication, sheer talent and obvious joy that's already gone into this project. I, for one, will be watching and waiting for the earliest opportunity to contribute. I wish you all the best.